Our founder Valentina Cereda was invited at Dubai Eye radio station to talk about climate action at home. What are the small changes we can all implement in our home to contribute creating a healthier planet?

Here below the list of few small changes that have a big impact Valentins discussed with Helen Farmer on the show. There is much more that can be done when it comes to energy saving with AC systems, lighting and more, but in this article we want to give you a list to start the process of transforming your household into a sustainable and conscious powerhouse!
1 - Fake grass versus real grass : this is the biggest dilemma for who lives in the Middle East as the amount of rain fall is minimal and irrigation is required all year around to keep the grass green. At least 50 liters of water a day are required for a small garden in order to keep the grass alive and green.
We recommend to use fake grass, and even though is plastic there are many brands that use recycled plastic which should be always first choice!
2 - What to do with extra water from cups/water bottles etc.? If you have kids, you will always find water bottles and cups with water around the house. Do not throw it and give it to your pets or plants! This action every day will save a lot of water in time!
3 - Local plants for gardens are a must to ensure that they are resilient and do not require too much water as they can thrive in an arid climate like the Middle East. Avoid importing plants from abroad as they will need so much more water to live!
4 - Turn off water while washing your hair/body /teeth is another small action with big impact!
5 - Install water filters instead of buying plastic bottles : not only you will save plastic but you will be drinking better quality water as the plastic toxins will spread in the water bottle, due to the hit they are exposed to as well during the deliveries and storage periods.
6 - Reusable bags for food shopping are a must to avoid buying plastic bags at the supermarket, this is an easy one!
7 - Avoid small plastic bags, containers and straws: replace these with silicon bags, glass containers with silicon cover and metal reusable straws.
8 - One of the most toxic products are cleaning products we buy from the supermarket : not only they come in plastic bottles, but the chemicals used to produce them pollute the environment and are very unhealthy for us and our animals. Swap to home made cleaning products with baking soda and vinegar, or buy natural cleaning products like "The Botanist" that you can find in UAE.
9 - Upcycle and give a new life to furniture / home items instead of buying new = BUY LESS is key to reduce waste.
10 - Reusable water bottle or coffee mug on the go should be used instead of buying plastic water bottles and coffee in paper cups from coffee shops
11 - Print only when necessary, use white papers on both sides especially when your kids make drawings that often will be then thrown away in no time.
Hope this helps to start implementing small changes for big impact, it is all about building new habits and changing your mindset towards a more conscious way of living.