Our founder Valentina was invited by Dubai Eye 103.8 to talk about the health risks of Ipads and Tablets use in young children, and give practical solutions on how technology can be used in a safer way.

You can listen to the full interview in this link from 48’ https://pod.link/1440471823 in Episode “Teachers have had enough” and check out the key points below:
-The shock of when I learned my 6 years old daughter would have to bring and use an Ipad to school every day.
Screens are already everywhere, and now also in schools?
We as parents try to balance screen and play time for obvious reasons, how was I going to manage that now?
How can I explain to my child that using too much the Ipad is not good for health, while the use of Ipads is promoted in schools?
Electromagnetic fields from wifi and blue tooth connection have been proven to increase the production of oxidative stress, blood clots and poor circulation, ear ringing, autism, ADHD, brain cells damages and more.
Blue light exposure as kids vision is still developing, possibility of damaged retina and appearance of floaters that seem to drift through field vision, flashes of light, blurred vision, dry eyes, sleep wake cycle disturbance doesn’t allow our bodies to release melatonin, hence we don’t sleep well or enough during the night time.
Useful links with scientific research:

1) Use tablets on airplane mode (switch off wifi and bluetooth and download games/movies to watch offline).
2) Do not use ipad while charging as the charger emits high electric fields (another type of electromagnetic frequency).
3) Set up time limit on the ipad for the kids (downtime).
4) Get ethernet cabled connection to avoid exposure to wifi signals.
5) Use “night shift mode” to reduce blue light exposure.
6) Take breaks often and expose your eyes to natural light.
7) Use blue light filter screens or blue light blocking glasses.
8) Create healthy habits for technology use for your children, teaching them about airplane mode and why it is heathy to have a limited time on screens.